You get to decide who the real YOU is, every day.

The Fallacy of Self

Live in the Present. Learn from the Past. Plan for the Future.

Published in
8 min readAug 2, 2020


If I were to say that the “self” doesn’t exist and that the notion of this “self concept” is false and ungrounded, that could sound a bit strange, far fetched, or maybe even slightly looney.

But, the case I am prepared to make here is this: The “self” we hold to be so real, isn’t real at all. It’s made up. It was never meant to be held on to the way we do.

Let’s define “fallacy” and “self” before we go any further.


  • A false notion, incorrectness of reasoning or belief; erroneousness.


  • The total, essential, or particular being of a person; the individual.
  • The essential qualities distinguishing one person from another; individuality.
  • One’s consciousness of one’s own being or identity; the ego.

( From: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.)

We can virtually feel like we are locked up inside ourselves, never to escape the “me” that we sometimes hate.




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