The Fault in Our Lives

And proposals for how to fix it

Angelina Der Arakelian


Photo StockSnap on Unsplash

When I think of the world we live in, what I usually portray in my mind is a blue globe embedded with green cut-outs of surfaces we have been fortunate to call our home for the past approximately 300,000 years. With this portrayal tends to cross my mind the elaborate size of this globe, the way in which it so effortlessly carries its posture; a back persisting on arching no matter how many times we have stabbed it either unconsciously or out of spite.

We; tiny droplets of this big blue bubble, boasting about our role in maintaining the foundation of its delicate curvature. We; insignificant pieces of a pie we are constantly tempted to keep a more-than-proportionate size of to ourselves. We; minuscule specs of nothingness on the verge of trying to transform into something during our journey on this globe lasting an incalculable amount of time.

  • We are boarding a train headed towards an unknown destination
Photo by Drajt on Unsplash

Each one of us is undertaking a different seat; not one resulting out of a genuine thought. A choice, sure, but not a well-conceived one. It lingers on us as the train departs, moving past a speed tailored to…



Angelina Der Arakelian

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at 💫