The Fear Game

Go from being afraid of fear to loving it

Bayinnah Shah


Photo by Stephen Noulton on Pexels

Welcome to the Letters through the Transition series.

These written articles are meant to encourage and inspire you as you move through this transitory period from where you used to be to where you are going.

Here lies your letter.

One of the major things to be learned during this transition is the understanding of fear.

I understand when that feeling snowballs in the pit of your stomach, you want to drop whatever is causing you that emotion like hot coal. It is natural to feel that way when you are approaching something you have never experienced. Your brain only wants to keep you in a familiar space because it perceives the familiar as being safe.

However, we both know you are on this path because you don’t prefer your “familiar”. You want to change. You want to grow. That’s true enough if you read the articles I write.

Instead of being afraid of fear, use it as a benchmark for getting outside of your familiar and into the unfamiliar. In doing unfamiliar things, you will find a new path to a new life.

Of course, you are smart.

You know the difference between things to challenge and things to run away from. If you are face-to-face with a poisonous…



Bayinnah Shah

A writer of powerful, creative stories to maximize your life. Find a safe space in this free cozy newsletter: