The Fine Art Of Pretending To Listen In Virtual Meetings

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2023


AI-generated Image: Midjourney

Virtual meetings have become a staple of the remote work world, and with them comes a new set of challenges, one of which is pretending to listen. It’s not always easy to pay attention during a Zoom call, especially when the presenter is droning on about something that has nothing to do with you. But fear not! With a little practice, anyone can master the fine art of pretending to listen in virtual meetings.

  1. The Nod: Nodding your head is a tried and true method of pretending to listen. It sends the message that you’re engaged, even if you’re not. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you’ll end up looking like a bobblehead.
  2. The Smile: Smiling is another effective way to show that you’re listening. It conveys a positive attitude and can even make you feel better, even if you’re not paying attention.
  3. The Fake Typing: Pretend to take notes by furiously typing on your keyboard. This sends the message that you’re engaged and taking things seriously. Just don’t get too carried away, or you might actually end up typing something that you didn’t intend.
  4. The Background Noise: Play some background noise to make it seem like you’re in a bustling office, even if you’re really just at home in your pajamas. The sound of a busy coffee shop or a bustling city can help make your virtual…




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