The First Computer Bug Ever — Literally

Donna M. Jennings
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2022


Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

In the modern information age, most of us take the terms “computer bug” and “debugging” for granted. In fact, computer literate people probably can’t remember a time when an alternate meaning for “bug” wasn’t an “error in a software program or hardware system”. There is, in fact, an interesting story behind the adoption of the bug reference.

The Background

The tale begins with Rear Admiral Grace Brewster Murray Hopper. Born in 1906, Admiral Hopper was a gifted mathematician. She was one of the first programmers of the Harvard, Mark I computer. One of her other claims to fame is that she was responsible for the development of the COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) computer programming language. COBOL is still widely used today in software programs that power banks, insurance companies, and governments. In 1952, she also invented a compiler that converted instructions written in the English language into computer code. This YouTube video from Biography is a summary of Grace Hopper’s accomplishments as a computer scientist and military leader.

The First Bug

For many years the term bug was used by engineers to refer to anomalies. According to history, the world’s first computer bug was found on September 9th, 1947 by Grace Hopper in the Harvard, Mark II computer. The story goes…



Donna M. Jennings

My over 25 year career has been as a Programmer/Analyst, and I love to write. I try to combine the two when I can. “You can make anything by writing”—C.S. Lewis