The First Time I Cried Writing

The Power To Move People

Liam Ireland


This story was originally published on Substack by LIAM IRELAND

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

It all comes down to words that sparkle

About fifty years ago, on the verge of celebrating my 21st birthday, I took myself off to live and work on a small island. I have to say that place was one of the scariest places I have been to. Even in broad daylight lots of weird stuff happened. It was so darn scary that after only one month I simply grabbed my softbag of personal belongings and made a run for it. I could not get on the helicopter out of there quickly enough. Not only did I think my life was at risk, but I knew for a fact that it was.

Fast forward half a century and I found the events of those times as fresh as the days they happened. That has to be some gestation period for a new paperback novella. With a few fictional and out-of-this-world, supernatural embellishments, it all became my very first step towards being a (self) published author on Amazon KDP.

I have to say, at one point, I was so touched by what I was writing, I felt a tear or two come to my eyes. The part I was reacting to, the death of a young child, was a purely fictional event. However, I instantly knew that if a short piece of fiction I was writing had the power to move me in such a way, I most definitely had…



Liam Ireland

Author, writer, Illumination Editor, Top Writer in short stories and poetry.