The Five C’s of Effective Eye Contact

Why you should master this powerful influencing tool

Russell Rowe


Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

The Window to the Soul

Can you remember a time when you met someone for the first time, introduced yourself, shook their hand, looked them in the eye, and they didn’t return the eye contact? How did that feel? If you can remember that scenario happening it was probably awkward and left you feeling like you weren’t sure if you could trust the other person. If you don’t remember a situation like this it’s because the interaction just wasn’t very memorable. Either way, eye contact or lack of it works the same in public speaking.

One of the most common things people struggle with when it comes to presentations and public speaking is eye contact. It can be uncomfortable and many people just avoid it and look elsewhere when pitching an idea or delivering a presentation. This can be disastrous, or at the very least, make the presentation forgettable.

Why is eye contact so important in public speaking?

You’ve heard the cliche, the eyes are the window to the soul. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Looking someone in the eyes creates a connection by letting people know you’re interested in them and you have nothing to hide.



Russell Rowe

I’m passionate about helping people become better communicators.