The Floating City

Grace Laopradith
Published in
1 min readMay 1, 2023
Photo by Chait Goli from Pexels

A city built upon the sea.


Where gondolas glide and lovers hold hands, where bridges arch over tranquil waters, where history whispers from every stone.

A treasure trove of art and beauty.

Where the sun dips low into the horizon and the sky turns into shades of pink and gold.

The alleys wind through the city; a labyrinth of secrets and surprises.

The smell of fresh-baked bread and roasted coffee, permeating the air with its tantalizing aroma.

A city of masks and mystery, where carnival brings magic and delight. Where the sound of music fills the streets and laughter echoes through the night.


A city that captures my heart with its charm and elegance so rare.

A place of wonder, passion, and romance.

With the soothing echoes that bounces off each alley, the floating city calls all those who dare.

Inspired by my recent trip to Venice (I might make a series on the rest of the cities in Italy that I have visited??)



Grace Laopradith

A high-school student ready to share her ideas to the world (and hopefully make a pretty penny to supply her weekly bookshop visits)