The Food Allergy & Sensitivity Success Guide

Katie Critelli
Published in
7 min readOct 3, 2023


How to eat with pleasure when your options are temporarily limited

A snapshot from an ongoing culinary experiment inspired by an elimination diet | PC: Katie Critelli

One of the few times a medical visit left me truly demoralized was last year.

After a few weeks of mystery symptoms — intense headaches and arthritis pain — I called my doctor, who suggested I take an updated test for food allergies and sensitivities. The test he ordered screened for an antibody (IgG) reaction to various foods and as he handed me the results, all I saw were bright red lines, indicating strong reactions to over a dozen foods.

I had sensitivities to all forms of dairy (casein), gluten, eggs, and soy. In addition, my body was reacting to unexpected foods like garlic, basil, oats, peppers, and many of the foods that I ate on a daily basis.

I looked at my doctor, dumbfounded. He kindly reminded me that food sensitivities are only temporary and that if I could avoid the foods and follow an elimination protocol, my gut would heal and the sensitivities would disappear.

I was willing to follow an elimination diet and eager to heal my gut — but I had no idea what to make for dinner once I got home. How is an Italian-American woman supposed to cook without garlic or gluten?

Eventually, I adapted my diet and routine to the sensitivities and my gut started healing. Within…



Katie Critelli

I help people discover more pleasure, joy, and vitality in life. Find me here: