The Forgotten Ones

#Street People



The story I am about to tell you is real. The situation happens everyday in the world. Yes this world we live in. Some say the richest country in the world is The United States of America.

My family and I were out with friends for dinner recently. The day was sunny and nice we decided to eat outdoors in front of the restaurant establishment enjoying the atmosphere of the city.

The city was filled with people coming and going, lost in their thoughts paying no attention to the world around them. In the mist of this setting my wife who has the heart of gold started to cry.

I asked her what had upset her. She looked across the street from the restaurant homeless people filled the sidewalk asking for help. She said why does this have to happen in this world we live in.

We all agreed someone has to be the change in the world today. My wife and I walked across the street and asked one of the homeless to join us for dinner. The homeless man was reluctant to join us my wife would not take no for an answer.

We returned to our seats with our friends and introduced our quest to everyone. The outdoor patio we were sitting in was filled with other guests their attention was on our new quest at this point.




I am a dreamer who has awakened. I have written poetry and short stories that give hope and inspiration and teaching moments about everyday situation life.