The Four Sisters

— A Poem by Anna-Marie Pennell.

Anna-Marie Pennell
Mar 12, 2023


I miss the kiss of mother Ostara,
The kindest and most forgiving of four.
My guide, my mentor.
The sweet song of beginning.

I miss the warmth of Litha,
The proudest and most joyous of four.
My playmate, my Villaseñor.
The sweet song of nothing.

And how I miss mother Banbha,
The strongest and most amber of four.
Her wings, her colours.
The sweet song of fire.

And how I weep for Yule,
The eldest with sadness held for four.
Her touch, her tears.
Her sombre song of oath.

The Four Sisters by Anna-Marie Pennell, 2023. [AI]



Anna-Marie Pennell

Writer, Film Director & Artist. From pop culture and films, to art and spirituality — I write about anything and everything that piques my interest.