The Frozen Heart

An Icepick For The Permafrost

Cinis Viatorem
2 min readFeb 21, 2022


Photo by sergey mikheev on Unsplash

Who among us has felt the burn of a frozen heart? I don’t know many who are unaware of what this feeling is. The trouble is that most people affected by this condition are unfamiliar with this condition until the ice finally shatters, leaving only shards where the heart once resided. Worry not, my friend. This topic is one that I am quite knowledgeable. or so I believe. Stay awhile, this advice might begin to thaw that frozen heart of yours.

It is a well-known fact that this life is one full of difficulty for every traveler who walks the path. Sometimes these can become overwhelming to a single traveler. Vitality and willpower do not last forever you see. When these attributes are worn thin by strife, The heart makes one last effort to guard itself from harm. It does this by becoming numb to the outside world that seems so intent on destroying it. Hardship becomes anesthetic to the heart, and it becomes cold. Cold heartedness that lasts for too long a time causes the heart to become as ice.

Stoicism taught me many things and helped me through many hard times, however, what I perceived to be strength towards hardship had become a heart many degrees below freezing temperature. This is partly the reason why I haven't had a chance to record my thoughts for you to benefit from.

Lean in my friend, and listen close. A heart that lies in the past is frozen by regret and longing, while a heart that lies in the future is frozen by fear and anticipation. Somewhere between these frozen peaks is a valley of warmth. I pray you use this knowledge as an icepick for your heart.



Cinis Viatorem

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