How to prepare for the future

Udit Gupta
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2020

Being adaptable and open to change is the key

In this modern world, challenges come us at break neck speed. We get overwhelmed with new things constantly. We start liking new hobbies and new people and get used to a new way of life. A pandemic hit us in the blink of an eye. Nobody saw this coming, but yet most of us have thankfully managed to live through it. It shows one of humans most important quality: adaptability.

As we look ahead to the next century, technology is likely to play a significant role in our daily lives. We already spend much of our time on a gadget from a smartphone to laptop and a TV. Who saw this coming 40 years ago? Who thought we would be able to shop or be able to do a fitness program on our phones? Some people might have seen this coming but for the majority of us this is a surprise.

The next 40 years may see drastic improvements and advances in technology. We don’t know what there will be in 40 years because the technology is advancing at a rapid speed. We already have foldable phones, curved TVs, personal assistant devices and much more. It has shown mankind one important thing which is to be open and adaptable. We will have to adapt our lives and mindsets to the times we live in. We will have to realize that some of our current habits and methods of living may become obsolete and inefficient in the near future regardless of how much we like them. But as we always have, we will adapt. We will incorporate different ways of living and over time we will start liking them. The ability to accept change in our lives will become of utmost importance. Many of these changes will be planned but many will be unexpected and we must be ready for all of them. In a world where globalization is constantly on the rise, we may live in many different areas of the world in a short amount of time. Living in these areas will involve getting accustomed to local culture, people and the food. But it is with these experiences that we will grow. It is with these experiences that we can be better prepared for the future.

In this complex and uncertain world, we have to open ourselves to endless possibility. We must not eliminate or ridicule any options because they make become the next best option. Our minds need to be open to engaging with different cultures, performing different roles at work and being a leader. Our broad and open mindset will help us to get accustomed to different workplaces, lifestyles and people. Any individual who is able to adapt to their surroundings will be happier with their life than someone who isn’t able to adapt to change. Our ability to make the most of the situation will improve our happiness and mental health. It is important that we are not resistant to change and that we look for areas of growth and change. Every adventure and journey may not be extremely successful, but it is worth taking the risk to be successful in preparing us and our future generations for the next century.



Udit Gupta

Medical student | Future doctor | Writer for ILLUMINATION | Passionate about writing | I want to make the world a better place.