The Future Looks Bleak for the Single Man

Men, here’s what you can do to save yourselves!

Mona Lazar


Photo by Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

Men, you need to stop! What you’ve been doing so far no longer works and it’s killing your happiness.

Stop, reassess and be aware that it’s in your power to make it work.

Here’s what’s going on:

More and more women want nothing to do with men anymore!

And I for one can’t say I’m surprised. I feel subtle laughing coming from the women’s corner. They’re not surprised either.

According to Greg Matos, a board-certified couple and family psychologist,

Over the last 30 years, men have become a larger portion of that growing group of long-term single people. And while you don’t actually need to be in a relationship to be happy, men typically are happier and healthier when partnered.

Hear that? Men are happier and healthier when in a relationship!

Men thrive in relationships. Women thrive alone. Actually, the happiest person out there is the unmarried childless woman.

Don’t tell the church, they might have a stroke!



Mona Lazar

Unapologetic writer, ecstatic painter, no bs dating expert. Decoding: Seduction | Love | Sex | the Psychology of it all.🎈FREE Seduction e-book: