The Future of Mindfulness: AI Crashes the Meditation Party

Mary Beth Hazeldine
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2024


Man sitting with his eyes closed and wearing headphones.
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

AI is barging into the world of meditation like it owns the place. It’s like when your tech-savvy friend shows up at a yoga retreat. Unexpected, but kind of intriguing.

AI meets Zen: An Odd Couple

Meditation has always been our go-to for some headspace, right? But AI is like that friend who says, “Hey, I can make this easier for you,” and suddenly, you’re listening.

Why It’s a Big Deal:

  • Personal Touch: AI apps are getting all up in your business, in a good way. They check out your heart rate and mood and then tailor meditation sessions just for you.
  • Real Impact: Sarah, a programmer, found her zen with an AI app after traditional meditation just wasn’t cutting it. And John, an ex-soldier, used an AI app to navigate PTSD with personalized meditation tools.

The Science Bit (Don’t Snooze Yet)

This isn’t just tech being flashy. There’s some serious science behind it. AI is like a detective, picking up clues from your body and brain to figure out the perfect meditation plan.

Your Body Talks, AI Listens

  • Heart Rate: Thumping like a drum solo at a rock concert? AI’s got a…



Mary Beth Hazeldine

Chief Inspiration Officer, Spiritual Psychologist, Hypnotherapist, Writer, Chef, Dog Lover, Line Dancer, Ex-Banker, MBA—