The Future of Organizational Structure and Culture

A discussion on organizational structure and culture to predict what it will look like for the next generation

Paul Myers MBA


An organization’s structure provides insights into an organization and the work co-ordination of the business.

Whereas an organization’s culture provides insights into the people and the behavior patterns of the business.

The aim of this article is to enable readers to:

  • Understand organizational structure and the purpose of organizing
  • Differentiate between the components of organizational structure
  • Provide an overview of the new types of organizational design
  • Define organizational culture
  • Understand the significance of culture and the basic elements
  • Understand changing cultural values of organizations

In order to predict what organizational structure and culture will look like for the next generation, let’s first look at it today.

Organizational Structure

Designing a company structure involves the process of organizing and the function of management plays, an important role in the…



Paul Myers MBA

Top writer in Business, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Startups & Innovation. Interested in all things E-commerce and more ---