The future of you

Shameer Hasan
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2023

The end is no cakewalk

Thorny rose bush
Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

The other day I was clearing out some old dead trees. We have a bit of a drought, and some of the plants in my backyard didn’t survive it. It sucks, but that’s life I suppose.

In doing the clearing out, I got myself pricked on multiple occasions. It wasn’t a fun job for sure. I have to admit though, when I give my wife a bouquet of these (thorns removed off course), her eyes light up.

Some days, seeing my family member’s eyes light up, gives me so much peace. The reminder for me is that I am out there for them. I do everything I do not only for myself, but much more for them.

Thorny life

Life for so many people these days are going thorny. Many people who aren’t nearly as lucky as me, have gone bankrupt, or even worse, homeless. Do they deserve this? probably not. However, that is the fact of life, this is where they are.

One can argue that it is their fault, because they didn’t plan their future. However, I would argue that the future is not 100% predictable either.

Take for example, how many people predicted the pandemic? The only people even warned of such a posibility are the researchers looking at possible 100+ different contagions.

How many of these contagiouns will even become dangerous enough to kill many people. How many will cause a global pandemic?

Off course there are pop culture dystopian future type movies that use the same mechanism of spread that these viruses use. For example. Last planet of the ape, released a biological contagion to 1 person.

This contagioun is highly contagious, and the person infected was a pilot. This spread the virus even faster, as he was spreading it while going through airports. Airports that has many destiations around the world

Welcome to the next pandemic.

Deep Divisions

Many people had differences of opinions in the past. However, no one predicted what happened in the past few years.

Some of the dynamics have shifted. Political rivals are affected the general population immensely these days. It’s creating divide amongst us and we’re allowing it to happen.

Lives problems are so important to us that we miss our political opinions. We don’t fight back in time for the politicians to listen, or be voted out. However, since we’re too busy making ends meet that we don’t have time to pay attention.

We could be letting bad politicians into our leadership by not paying attention. We think our focus should be limited to our own devices, but remember, Hitler rose to power because he stood up to the status quo when German people were suffering from the losses in world war 1.

This created enough deep divisions that Nazi party just waltzed right in and grabbed power. As Jim Rohn have said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s”.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan
- Jim Rohn

Wake up and and plan your future

Planning starts with a vision. One you can imagine as if it is happening right in front of your eyes. It requires you to be emotionally invested. It requires you to be intentional in your decisions and actions.

After the vision start trying all your ideas. Don’t assume an idea will fail. Prove it. If it does fail, find a new idea and move on.

Remember idea is not your future. Your future is the vision you have that is so real, you can see, touch, smell and feel it. Ideas are your brains way it “thinks” can get you there. So if your brain’s latest “thinking” is wrong, prove it and move on.

Plan for your future should start with the vision. Read, watch, listen, and gather as much data as possible. However, don’t get into analysis paralysis. If you don’t put a plan into action, then all you got are ideas that may or may not work. That’s not a future, that’s a hobby that you don’t have time for.

Wake up and plan your future already will ya.



Shameer Hasan

Software developer in Calgary with life experiences to share.