The Glimpse (Poem)

Sache Bel
Published in
May 31, 2023

Just a peek and the heart seeks …

Can love ever be understood? Can love ever be explained? Love seems as illogical as logical. The heart simply wants what it wants. When the lover is long gone breaking promises of companionship to smithereens, the brain finds its logic to overcome the relationship. But a small peek of the lover and suddenly, everything logical vanishes again! Why is the feeling of love so overpowering for a lost lover? Can one human be so enticing for the soul? I don’t know the answers because the pragmatic me and the lover in me conflict each other like day and night. But my love, like the sun, shines forever for my lost lover.

Embedded Image by: Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Wishing everyone a very happy, loving life, every day!

©Sache Bel, 2023. All Rights Reserved



Sache Bel

Freelance writer, author, poet, corporate junkie, and simply a lover of life! Twitter: @bel_sache } Instagram: sache.bel | FB public profile: Sache Bel