The Golden Cage

Stepping toward the unknown

Shubhangi Narayan
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Picture by- Shubhangi Narayan- Author

Have you ever felt like you are trapped? You have been living in a beautiful place, surrounded by loving people, having all one could wish for. But on certain days, you desire the unknown.

You are content with your lives, happy getting all you could have wanted, doing things you wish to accomplish, and then suddenly question, “Is this what I wish for?”

Are you living your life or simply existing?

At times, we mindlessly follow a routine. Getting wrapped in the bubble of our imaginative lives, not caring enough to even wish for escape. But then some days we feel as if we are not happy or sad, just content with our life.

If a bird never flies to be in the comfort of its nest, wouldn’t that be a tragedy?

Picture by- Shubhangi Narayan Author

Occasionally, we receive only 50% of what we truly deserve from others. We attach ourselves to those good moments and struggle to leave. We stick to good memories we have collected in our nest and keep visiting them whenever the need for escape arises. For golden moments, we get stuck in a golden cage.

Life in a Golden Cage

Life can be a golden cage when you are wishing for more while trying to adjust for the bare minimum. You fight yourself, choosing between fighting for more or losing what you have.

Stay in place to hold on to memories, and you will miss out on new ones.

When we become the hostage of our desires, we forget about our courage. We get afraid to wish for something better. All too often, we forget no matter how precious or beautiful a memory is, anything that makes us forget ourselves is a trap.

So be true to yourself and make waves of change in your life. Keep your head high and your heart kind, radiate your shine, and be unstoppable.



Shubhangi Narayan

A Reader, Reviewer, and a Content Writer . Refer me if you like my writing style.