The Good Must Suffer For The Bad

It has contributed to the death of a 14-year-old boy.

Annelise Lords
Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2021


Image by Annelise Lords

‘The good must suffer for the bad.’

These words are repeated often in my country and are transferred into actions in classrooms across Jamaica.

It has contributed to the death of a 14-year-old boy. I think it is irresponsible, dangerous, and must be stopped NOW!

I never thought I would thank a killer virus, but COVID-19 has put a pause on it. I am praying it will be a permanent one.

Our classroom has a minimum of forty students in some high schools; some have more. We only have one teacher per class. This is one of the possible scenarios leading to the good suffering for the bad and the death of an innocent child.

Mrs. Hamilton* warns her class, “Children, I will go to the office for a minute. You have work to do, so please do it quietly and don’t disrupt the class next door as they are doing a test.”

From experience, we know that after the teacher exits, most times chaos enters.

Depending on the extent of the uproar, the classroom next door will be affected.

“Sir,” a child in the next-door class calls out, “The noise from Mrs. Hamilton* class is breaking my concentration.”

