The Great Office Space Conundrum: Creativity vs. Conformity

Let's Discuss Office Spaces, Female Friendships, and Memes.

Aparna S
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Photo by Israel Andrade on Unsplash

Picture this: The same group of individuals, but in an environment that's less about restrictions and more about freedom and flow. Suddenly, you're more relaxed, exchanging smiles and laughter, sprawling out without a care in the world. It's a stark contrast to the rigid, soul-sucking confines of conventional office designs that seem to stifle our very being, keeping us just a whisper away from expressing our true feelings.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It's often a singular event or a shared experience that shatters this invisible barrier among colleagues. Once that barrier is broken, the transformation is irreversible. While maintaining professional boundaries is advisable, let's not forget that we spend roughly nine hours a day with these folks. Discovering a work buddy in this sea of faces is like finding an oasis in the desert—a truly welcome respite.

Shoutout to Work Female Friendships

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

I can't help but give a massive shoutout to the two pillars of strength from my first job. The unique bond of work female friendships is unparalleled, offering a sense of belonging and support unmatched by anything else. From feeling utterly isolated in a new city to finding two soul sisters at work, this journey has been nothing short of miraculous, filling my heart with gratitude.

Beyond the Sleek Facades: The Quest for Authenticity

Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

Despite the modern office's sleek exteriors and claims of openness and inclusivity, the reality often feels starkly different. Terms like "open-door policies" somehow end up feeling more like lip service than actual practice. It was outside these meticulously designed spaces, amidst their often bland or overly vibrant attempts at being trendy, that I found genuine connections.

Corporate Creativity

Photo by Artur Tumasjan on Unsplash

One area where corporate settings seem to miss the mark is in harnessing true creativity. Take memes, for example. Despite attempts to tap into this cultural phenomenon, many corporates struggle because memes, by nature, critique the very essence of capitalism and consumerism they're entrenched in. It's a delicate balance of sincerity and innovation that remains largely unexplored.

In Conclusion: A Call for More Human-Centric Workspaces

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

As we wrap up these musings on a casual Friday (I wrote this then), it's clear that the traditional office space has much evolving to do. It's about creating environments that foster not just productivity but also authenticity, connection, and creativity. In doing so, we might just find that the key to a fulfilling work life lies in embracing our true selves and the genuine relationships we form along the way.

Let's continue this conversation in the comments below! What are your thoughts on office space design, female friendships, and its impact on your work life and relationships?



Aparna S

Hey folks! I talk about life, love, travel, branding, and much more! I am a lifelong learner and a multi-hyphenate!IG: aparnas2611 Email: