The Great Robbie Coltrane

One of my favorite actors and funny men.

Harry Hogg



The train car was empty when I boarded at Leeds. The train doesn’t leave for another thirty minutes, and is the only one leaving this year, so I expect it to fill up before we leave.

I knew some of the folk who boarded, from music, TV, even a couple from the movies. But most were quite ordinary folks, and some children. That’s the worst of it, when you see them, it just pulls at your heart.

Then after a pause, the ticket collector boards the train.

“I guess we should be off any minute now,” I said. “I’ve been waiting seventy-two years for it to depart.”

One of the last passengers boards late. Blowing and puffing. I’m sure I know him.

“I’m sorry, for some reason…in fact, yes, aren’t you Robbie Coltrane?” I asked.

“The very same.”

“OMG, I didn’t know you’d… you know…I’m Harry.”

“Well, it comes to us all, right?”

“Well, yes, it does, I suppose.”

“You suppose? You mean you’re not sure?”

“Oh, no. I mean, yes, of course it does.”

“Well, it certainly came for you, and if I’m on the right train, me, too.” Robbie says looking around the…



Harry Hogg

Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2024