The Greatest Benefit of Intermittent Fasting Is Not Weight Loss

It is its ability to boost your discipline

Yannis Dokos


There was a time in my life I was not happy with the way I looked. I had the distinctive skinny fat look that is so typical of a guy just after puberty. I vividly recall how much I hated the way I looked during my first years in college.

In all fairness, I was pursuing the validation of people of the opposite sex. The extra fat built around my waist was not helping my self-esteem, and it was negatively impacting my relationships.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands, and do something about this issue. So, I first tried doing lots and lots of cardio. That didn’t help much. By the end of it I was exhausted and couldn’t focus for the rest of the day.

I then decided I should experiment with different kinds of diets. I tried paleo, keto, carb and carnivore diets, which were, in the end, ineffective.

My love handles were winning the fight.

At some point, I stumbled upon a new fad, at the time, called intermittent fasting (referred to as IF, from now on). I remember watching the Hodgetwins for their workout routines and advice on building muscle. They both practiced IF and had seen great results.



Yannis Dokos

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