The Greatest Challenge of Taking a Writing Break

Is trying to get started again.

Ryan J


Photo by Martin Péchy on Unsplash

‘If I’d known it was gonna be this hard then maybe I wouldn’t have bothered coming back.’

We all need a break.

A break from working. A break from parenting. A break from life.

It’s necessary to keep our sanity intact and to avoid imploding in an almighty heap of destruction. Boom 💥.

The same goes when it comes to writing.

Because, as much fun as it is to populate pages with glorious, mesmerizing words — and no matter how ‘easy’ it may seem for those non-writers on the outside looking in — writing consistently, day in and day out, really can take its toll on a person.

Writing burnout — we all know how it feels. Excruciating 🤦‍♂️.

But what happens when you do take a break?

Or more importantly, what happens when you decide to return from taking a break?

This is something I never really thought about until now 🤔.

The Struggle

  • Motivational issues
  • Writer’s block
  • Analysis paralysis



Ryan J

From Northern Ireland 🍀 | Based in Sydney 🦘 | Writing about life, mindset and whatever else catches my attention.