The Hardest Part Of Being The ‘Patient’

Karen Humphries
Published in
6 min readAug 12, 2020


Switching hats from practitioner to patient meant I had to accept that shit had to get real

I got a slap upside the head the other day from my naturopath. Whilst it was gentle and done with love it was still a bitch slap nonetheless.

Karen! Let’s deal with the elephant in the room. You’ve just had more surgery, you're having treatment for breast cancer, your marriage is wobbly and there’s a global pandemic!!! You’re allowed to have down days whereby you feel like shit. So let’s break it down and address each thing bit by bit.

Dammit! My naturopath was right. I had placed the positive mindset hat on so tightly that I hadn’t allowed much room for anything negative to arise, much less any emotional space to deal with it.

I made myself so busy reframing all the arising negativity that my body simply made me stop because I hadn’t been processing it. I felt fatigued to the point I literally had no energy to move, let alone the mental motivation to wade through the myriad of emotional turmoil.

That’s the power of emotional stuff, it can stop you in your tracks.

There was no room for vulnerability because all those emotions literally made me feel weak on a physical, mental and emotional level. By…



Karen Humphries

Lover of life, laugh-a-holic, joy seeker, avid lesson learner and book author. Want more visit