Mental Health

The Haunting Shadows

Chinmay Kumar Choudhury
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2023


Portrait of a Tormented Soul

Photo by César Rincón on Unsplash

In the darkest fold where shadows dwell,
Lies the tale of a soul in turmoil's swell.
A canvas painted with hues so bleak,
Of a spirit caught in a damning streak.

'Twas a figure cloaked in twilight's shroud,
His steps, a dance in silence, unbowed.
Yet beneath that guise of enigmatic grace,
Lurked a storm, a haunting, hidden place.

The moon cast its glow upon his face,
Revealing lines etched in sorrow’s embrace.
Eyes, once ablaze with life’s vibrant glint,
Now mirrored a world lost in an evocative dream.

In whispers, the wind spun his tragic lore,
A tale of pain that seeped to the core.
Haunted by shadows that would not depart,
He directed a labyrinth within his heart.

The torment of his past, a ghostly haunt,
Echoed in each step, in every gaunt.
A soul marred by a malevolent stain,
A composition of anguish flowed in his vein.

He wandered through fields where memories weep,
A landscape where agony ceaselessly seeped.
His footsteps marked a solemn refrain,
A testament to a soul shackled in pain.

Through the alleys of despair, he’d roam,
Seeking support, a place to call home.
Yet, in the maze of his fragmented mind,
Salvation remained cruelly confined.

The fabric of his being, a montage of dread,

Woven with threads of regret and anxiety.

The haunting shadows, his constant choir,

Sang tales of anguish, fueling his pyre.

He'd peer at the world through a veiled gaze,
Lost in a labyrinth, trapped in a haze.
For the torment within, no language could claim,
A shattered spirit caught in relentless blame.

In the quiet of night, when stars softly weep,
His tormented soul would silently creep.
Beneath the cloak of the heavens' expanse,
He’d seek comfort, a fleeting chance.

In the chambers where his demons reside,
He'd grapple with shadows, nowhere to hide.
For a tormentor he was, in his darkest role,
A prisoner within, a tormented soul.

Each dawn brought whispers of a fragile hope,
A chance to untangle the knotted rope.
But the haunting shadows, an unyielding guise,
Bound him tight in their relentless ties.

Oh, portrait of sorrow, oh, tormented soul,
Your narrative spun, an unending scroll.
May the light find its way through the shadow's gloom,
To release you from this haunting doom.

In the texture of life, may a gentle hand,
Unravel the torment, help you withstand.
For within the shadows that painfully whirl,
Lies the potential for a healing twirl.

The haunting shadows, though they may persist,
Hold no power over a soul that persists.
Welcome the light, let your spirit ascend.
For even tormented souls find a mend.

Let hope be the brush to paint your skies,
As you break free from the haunting guise.
In the portrait of pain, may redemption find its role,
To liberate you, oh, tormented soul.

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