The Healing Power of Faith: Finding Solace in Allah Amidst Pain

It’s only the Love of Allah that can cure the human heart

2 min readJul 23, 2024


Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

Pain is an immensely dreadful distress. People say that love is stronger than pain. That, love can suppress any form of distress, and with time, wounds heal. They say- ‘time makes a person forgetful about his injuries.’ Forgetful, about his grief and sufferings. But, does being forgetful mean being free?

With time, you actually learn how to live with your pain. You get to know that pain is inescapable, a part of life, and you cannot run away from it. As, it finds will you, and get you. With time, humans pretend to be free from pain. We tend to deny our weaknesses. But, we see that whenever the reason for a person’s distress is mentioned, his heart gets pinched.

Whenever he is reminded of that suffering, he feels uncomfortable. Somewhere deep down, in the corner of his heart, he feels something unpleasant and nasty. He might be able to hide it from people, but how could it be possible for him to hide his feelings from his “self.” Pain and suffering are among the strongest emotions that humans carry.

Yet, He- the One True Creator, who poured feelings into the human heart, is stronger than everything. He is the All-Strong. If we have faith in Him, He will definitely relieve our pain. Wounds will get healed because He is the Best of Healers. It’s only the Love of Allah that can cure the human heart. It’s only Allah’s affection towards His Slaves that can mend their souls.

He has promised to make things easy for those who submit their will to Him. And, He is knowledgeable about everything. He knows the generalities of things as well as their specific details. He is the Subtle, The Aware. The One, who is perfectly acquainted with whatever has passed and what shall come to pass. So, let’s have Tawakkul in Him.

Al-Shafi’ (The Healer) says:

“Verily, with every hardship comes ease.” (94:6)

“And Your Lord is never forgetful.” (19:64)




I find solace in the pursuit of understanding.