The Heaven and Earth Have a Heart

There were created by the Creator

Bonard Walton


Photo by Kristen Owens from Pexels

If there is always the Creator in someone’s heart, then this person must admit that the human heart is always smaller than the heart of heaven and earth. Even from the perspective of the simplest mathematical principles, it is impossible for people to set their minds on the heaven and the earth. They can only be in awe before the heaven and the earth, and then even more reverence for the God who created the heaven and the earth.

The life of the man, that is, the life of everyone, is created by God and belongs to each specific individual, and other people have no power or right to interfere. All about human life, any other parallel person can neither give life to others, nor deny and deprive others of life. In fact, a person who claims to be the life of others must believe that he has the power to deprive others of their lives.

This is an epistemological joke. It is idol worship in the sense of knowledge and short-sighted in epistemology. If there really is a unique learning to go to the sage, then the only effective learning posture for later generations is to doubt and criticize.

Human beings are a limited existence. In the current context, only doubt and criticism can expand the human mind, and such criticism must face human beings themselves. This is…



Bonard Walton

Freelance Writer. Leftist critic. Here I recently started writing for a living as a professional paid writer. I enjoys writing about numerous topic