Church Newsletter

The Heaven & Hell Contract

Musings from a toll booth on the highway to Hell

Paul Coogan
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2022


Light streams through clouds onto a large body of water surrounded by hills.
Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

We all know where we are going apparently and the menu only has two choices: Heaven and Hell. Well, yes there is purgatory but that is more like a light apéritif when considering the long-term commitment of the other two.

The choice of destination is yours and I can’t tell you how to get there, that is between you and your minister. The mystery to me is the interface between these two organizations. There seems to be some agreement that souls not selected by the upper will by default be scooped up by the lower. But what are the rules here? We know one organization is not to be trusted so how can souls be disposed of properly? It seems a certain amount of sabotage could occur if Hell decides not to pick up the rejects or scoops up souls waiting at the Pearly Gates while Peter reviews their credentials. Obviously, there is a need for an iron-clad enforceable agreement.

First, we must address demarcation. The moment of death is often depicted as being greeted by the Spector of death but the grim reaper is merely in charge of delivering a soul to the next realm. Does the hooded traveler have a work order and if so, from who? Is Heaven sending this underworld Uber driver, or is it just some long-dead guy with time on…



Paul Coogan

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek