The Heaven Versus Hell Diaries #4

Angel makers

Karen Madej


Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash

Jensen and Lady Lucifina

Jensen stops reading. “Mother, she was pregnant. If you’re listening, I’ve got this double murder case, the wife, Maude, was pregnant. I think Deus is meddling. Have you noticed anything strange?”

“No Jensen, but I will check the statistics.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

“How are relations with Chrissy?”

“I’ve had better relationships with hellcats, but for an angel, I suppose she’s bearable. I think she may have stolen my cross, though.”

“You must retrieve it, Jensen, it is imperative.”

“Very well, Mother.”

“Jensen, in addition, you must impregnate her, it’s vital for the plan to work.”

“Yes, I know Mother. I am doing my best.”

“Try harder, we must have a new saviour.”


Jensen is such a snake. I hate the way he has of saying my name, makes my skin crawl with cockroaches. How is it possible for someone to lose stuff so often? Shoes, one at a time, of course, keys, never the same place twice, time, he loses track of that, all the time! I did enjoy the look of loss on his face when he couldn’t find his cross. He’ll never…

