The Heist

A short story for your enjoyment

Ian Worrall


Photo by Itay Kabalo on Unsplash

You can also check out the narrated version of this on YouTube here —

He knew he had a limited time in which to complete the heist. But Carl was the type of thief who thrived under the pressure and just loved the challenge. The greater the risk, the greater the reward as always.

A meticulous planner, Carl planned every job down to the last detail. “How you liking our chances?” his partner Robert asked.

“As always, they’re going to go great,” Carl replied.

Robert smiled as he nodded his head, it’ll be great to be involved in the heist with one of the greatest thieves of all time. The scores he’s taken down are legendary, and how he’s been able to avoid getting caught and sent to prison even more so.

Although they have a good idea of what Carl is, the cops could never pin anything on him, he’s been as slippery as an eel. And that makes this even more exciting, the possibility of a great payday and never going to prison. This makes working for Carl the greatest privileges a criminal could ask for.

Carl figured that this should rank up there with the Lufthansa Heist of 1978. And it is about to go down in much the same way. An inside job that somebody knew a lot of…



Ian Worrall

Ian Worrall is a fiction author. Check YouTube @Thegrayhairedwriter,, and a certified meditation instructor from Aura Wellness.