The Hidden Defect

Adam Schmideg
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2023
By the Author with Bing Create

In the pursuit of a new home, I finally found one that captured my heart. It seemed like a dream come true, until I discovered an unsettling truth — a hidden defect concealed within the very foundation of my newfound sanctuary. Seeking accountability, I turned to the seller, hoping for resolution, but they refused to acknowledge their responsibility or assist with rectifying the issue.

Thankfully, I had the foresight to acquire legal insurance, a safety net to shield me from unexpected challenges. Eager for a resolution, I sought the aid of the insurance company, who promptly assigned a lawyer to handle my case. Their expertise reassured me that justice would be on my side, and we embarked on a legal battle.

The lawyer wasted no time in drafting a compelling letter to the buyer’s legal representative, outlining the clear evidence supporting my claim. Hope swelled within me, as it seemed victory was within reach. However, just as progress appeared imminent, the lawyer unexpectedly embarked on a well-deserved vacation. Communication became sporadic, and updates on the case’s status grew frustratingly infrequent. Determined, I persevered, reaching out persistently through phone calls and emails, yearning for a glimmer of information.

Eventually, a new lawyer was assigned to my case. Though she brought fresh perspectives and insights, she warned me that the path ahead would not be an easy one. Time had passed, and with it, the strength of my claim had weakened. Frustrated, I couldn’t help but point out that the delays were, in part, the fault of the legal company.

Taking matters into my own hands, I filed a complaint, triggering an investigation into my case. As part of the inquiry, I was granted the opportunity to seek a second opinion from an external lawyer, with all expenses covered by the legal company. Hoping for clarity and guidance, I eagerly requested the second opinion and settled in for what would prove to be a lengthy wait.

Weeks ticked by, and just as I began to lose hope, an unexpected invoice arrived. To my shock, it was a substantial sum from the external lawyer. Puzzled, I contacted the legal company to seek clarification. In a bewildering twist, they confessed that the invoice had been mistakenly sent to me — it was intended for their own payment.

The irony of the situation was clear. The legal company would now pay the hefty sum to the external lawyer, an amount that could have been put towards the resolution I had sought all along — the funds to rectify the hidden defect in my new home. The money, now wasted, provided me no solace nor assistance. I realized that the money system, like a rolling car down a hill, would continue its predetermined course regardless of my aspirations for change.

In the end, both the hidden defect in my house and the underlying flaw within the money system remained unresolved.

(Parts of this story might have been written or edited with AI)

