The Hidden Secrets of Body Language: How To Master Your Nonverbal Cues

Tips on how to become a better communicator and lessons we can learn from communication in other cultures around the world

Ella Ann


Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash

Body language is a powerful form of communication that helps us understand what others are thinking and feeling in the moment. It’s important to become more in tune with your own body language if you want to get good at understanding what you are saying when you aren’t saying anything at all.

Most people think they’re doing an okay job at reading another person’s nonverbal cues when really they’re just making guesses based on their own culture or past experiences. However, body language is about understanding another person who may, or may not, have different communicative patterns than you.

It’s about being able to read someone like the back of your hand — but the only difference, they’re not your hand.

What is Body Language: A Glance at Greek Culture

Body language is the use of bodily gestures, postures, and expressions to improve communicative interaction. The study of body language is called kinesics. Body language has been studied for centuries by many cultures and there are documented…

