The High Price of Beauty: Dangerous Cosmetic Surgeries Exposed

Paradoxically, while prevalent, artificial beauty remains widely unaccepted in contemporary society.”

Mike Broadly, DHSc


Health Science Research By Dr Mike Broadly

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Over half a century ago, while I was a student in science school, I discovered that cosmetic surgery is a specialized branch of medicine dedicated to enhancing or improving a person’s appearance through various medical and surgical techniques.

These procedures can alter the shape, structure, or function of body parts purely for aesthetic purposes. Back then, cosmetic surgery was not as prevalent, but there were already medical professionals who aspired to master this transformative field.

Nowadays, unlike reconstructive surgery, which aims to restore form and function after injury, illness, or congenital defects, cosmetic surgery is elective and performed on otherwise healthy people to achieve desired physical changes. Common procedures include facelifts, breast augmentations, liposuction, rhinoplasty, and eyelid surgery.

One of my daughters was very ambitious about getting cosmetic surgery during her late teenage years. As a parent, I was deeply concerned. It took our entire family, including medical professionals, a long time…



Mike Broadly, DHSc

Retired health scientist in his mid 70s, avid reader, writer, chief editor of Health & Science, part of ILLUMINATION. Info: