The House that Felipe Built

Bernadette DeCarlo
Published in
Apr 9, 2021


Memory lane

Photo by fran hogan on Unsplash

Now I lay me down to sleep
I think of all the years I must keep

The steps of children of us both
and grandchildren with a runny nose
That laughed and made our life much more

Then Ivy, my daughter’s chihuahua,
christened my new rug along the way
while she relaxed on her blanket
and enjoyed her stay

My mother lived here too
We had days of laughter and sighed
and relived the good and the bad times

All those footprints in this dwelling
recorded the years that have gone by

The house has sold and now
it’s time to say goodbye

But first I must find a new home
to bring those footsteps that are still alive
with me in this different life



Bernadette DeCarlo

Writing has healed me in ways that I could have never imagined.