The Impact of Positive Thinking

An optimist’s approach to better living.

Natalie Carroll


Positive thoughts are the kryptonite to our negative energy. They can hold the answers we are looking for, if only we cared enough about ourselves to search.

We all know how hurtful our own minds can be as we judge away and make tremendous excuses not to be productive, but if we were positive for just one day, would that make a difference? The answer in short- yes!

Our minds are a powerful thing and if you can overcome your bad habits that put yourself down, then you can soon learn that, anything is just about possible.

Those of us who have positive attitudes are more inclined to try out brand new challenges and are quick to take up learning a new skill. We are also more likely to be able to build friendships and lasting relationships.

When you hone in on one type of energy, that energy then multiplies and can affect you tremendously. So, if you knew that your negative thoughts would give you a poor outcome and you knew that your positive thoughts would lead to something you’ve always wanted, which would you choose? Exactly.

Yet so many of us still put ourselves down every step of our goal achieving paths. Don’t get me wrong, being self-critical can also be a great tool for finding out what…

