The Impact of Reality-Learning

Reality-Learning actually Works!

Dr Michael Heng


Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Reality-Learning is a unique variant of experiential learning that focuses on changing the perception of reality. It deploys a constructivist, andragogical approach to bring about actual changes in behavior made sustainable by the perceptions of a fresh social reality. Reality-learning is a learning experience that exposes students to authentic, real world experiences for a classroom-based curriculum.

Reality-Learning as sociocultural interaction is a dynamic process where reality is continuously being re-created as it is interpreted and renegotiated by team members using an innovative thinking process. As the students internalize the activity worldview of the “Blue Ocean” frame, it becomes for them a mean for interpreting and refreshing the social reality by communicating using the language of Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS).

The time frame for the Reality-Learning Project activities spans only a 2-month period. Like so many change efforts, this experimental initiative has no conclusive or definite outcomes.

Reality-Learning Feedback

In their Reality-Learning feedback, students articulate unconventional experiences and speculate on the long-term outcomes of the Reality-Learning impact; in fact, just like any authentic…



Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.