Inspiration and Life

The Importance of Character

The amazing benefits of good character

Bill Abbate
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2022


Image by Enrique from Pixabay

Is character important in today’s world? Has its original meaning and intention been forgotten? It appears so. Why is this?

When you think of the word character, what image comes to mind? Is it a character in a television show or movie? Maybe it’s that character who played the class clown in school or someone you know who is a real character at work?

Then again, it could be a cartoon character or a character drawing. Or maybe it’s a character in the typeface you are reading or intend to use. It could also be a symbol, sign, or mark. It is interesting when you Google the word “character,” few of the results say anything about a person’s character.

Much modern writing overlooks character and its importance. How often do you come across an article addressing personal character? Not very.

Seldom is a person who is noble, honorable, moral, strong, and filled with integrity thought of today. But ask yourself, “Who would I prefer to have in my life, a person with an honorable or dishonorable character?” The answer is too obvious to state!

Let’s discuss what true character is and why it is important.

What is character?



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author