The Importance of Confidence in Effective Communication

Katie Reierson
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2023


Photo by Conor Samuel on Unsplash

It’s what’s missing from your communication, and it’s breaking the links you’re trying to make with your audience.

I want to start a conversation about the importance of confidence in effective communication. Much of what I’ve been writing about for months will come together to drive confidence in a communicator, but ultimately, confident communication is always more effective than unconfident communication. This theme will likely come out in more detail in future articles, but I want to introduce it now. Start to let it sink in.

What is Confidence and Why Does It Matter?

Confidence is believing in yourself, your knowledge, and your abilities. It is the feeling of being certain and assured of what you say and do. Confidence is not arrogance or cockiness, which are forms of overconfidence that can alienate others and damage relationships. Confidence is a balanced and realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and a willingness to learn from mistakes and feedback.

Confidence is what you get with preparation, feedback, conversations, and practice. It comes after you’ve been scared, courageous, and taken the leap. Confidence is about making an easy decision —…



Katie Reierson

Writer | Owner| Mother -- When I'm not nurturing tiny humans, I'm writing! Read more about communication, business and motherhood here!