Why You Need to Feel in Order to Heal

Is there a shortcut to healing?

Tina S


Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

I couldn’t heal because I kept pretending I wasn’t hurt.

I came upon this quote today and it got me thinking.

When things hurt, we try to pretend they don't. We convince ourselves that we are fine but we are well aware the thoughts are as loud as ever.

And we beat ourselves up about it. Why can’t I just get over it? I’m much stronger than this. This is not even that important, why am I upset? What is wrong with me?

We keep on flooding our minds with self-deprecating thoughts till we reach a point where the problem is no longer what happened to us. Now, the problem is within us. The problem seems to be us.

Well, actually it’s our minds. And it’s not really a problem, at least it doesn't intend to be. We are human, and humans have different responses to different stimuli. One very important physiological reaction to stressful or frightening events is to fight or flee. This is our fight or flight response.

When you sense danger, you might choose to fight it, or, as many of us do, you chose to run away from it. And running away can come in all forms. Some focus on their work and forget about their well-being, others insist that nothing is…



Tina S

Nutritionist that writes everything related to good physical and mental health. For writing services, please contact: tinaswriting2@gmail.com