The Importance of Organizational Culture

Dr. Hector Vasquez
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by Robin Lavitch

Organizational culture plays a large part in the ethical standards set for the respective organization (Yukl, 2012). The organizational culture along with codes of conduct set the foundation for the organization to find both long-term success and profitability (Yukl, 2012). In order to have a positive and strong organizational culture, it is important that the organization instills leadership, trust, ethical behavior, etc.

Leadership is a key component in forming a great organizational culture to achieve success. Leadership is the ability to influence and demonstrate appropriate conduct through actions (Yukl, 2012). In addition, leadership is analyzed by ethical behavior and the ability to create interpersonal relationships through two-way communication. Leadership has the ability to impact employee morale, job performance, motivation, success, etc.

An organization’s culture is only as good as the leadership that is demonstrated (Yukl, 2012). By establishing trust and an ethical standard for codes of conduct within the organization, subordinates will feel empowered and obtain faith and confidence within the organization. The impact of trust within an organization allows for better productivity and a positive work environment. Without establishing trust in the organization, each employee will be in it for themselves, as opposed to working for one…



Dr. Hector Vasquez

An educator sharing his knowledge of business, education, and research.