
The Inbetweeners

A poem about living in limbo.

Cappuccino Letters


A gap between two buildings shows greenery beyond.
Photo by Florin Kozma on Unsplash

There are those who live
On the edge
Of possibilities

So many possibilities
So many fates and destinies to choose from
So many unventured paths
Roads and rivers to traverse

There are those who are faced with uncomfortable options
Of what is possible
Of what should be done
Of what they want

And suddenly there is the most uncomfortable of questions
To choose between themselves
The Greater?

The greater good? Perhaps
Or not
But somehow, Something Greater
Which holds us all
Cradles us within its warm clutches

I have been there
To the depths and heights of possibilities
I know the feeling of dread in my stomach
Before I launch along the next path
The next adventure
Before I jump into the unknown and take flight
Not knowing where I will land
Or whether it is safer to keep cruising
Because landing is scary

I know what it feels like
That paralysing indecision
Of being just comfortable enough where you are
Yet so very uncomfortable inside
Because something is calling you

For our roots are what bind us
Our roots are what hold us
Our roots are our nourishment
Our safety net
Our trampoline
To jump and soar into the Universe of Possibilities


Gravity is a one-way street
There is only one way
And that is down
Down to Mother Earth
To the Reality of Life
Of Home

My heart aches for those who are stuck
And wander the shadow ghost lands of the many possible universes

Be brave, I say
I shall hold your hand
As others held mine
You jump believing you are jumping alone
Into nothingness
Yet here we all are
All waiting to catch you
Waiting to say
Welcome home.

