The Incarnates: Awakening to the Spiritual War, Part 6

The Host-The Matrix-Hello Neo

Infiniti 🦋
5 min readJul 18, 2020

Time for a message, Dear One. Please transcribe.

Of course.

Hey, you.

Yes. You.

This is Morpheus. I have a pill or two for you.

Message in a bottle, let’s just cut to the chase and go full-throttle…You probably won’t like it, you’ll probably resist. There’s a good chance you may even get pissed.

Of course, this is to be expected — anger is a sign of being infected. Go ahead, though — dance to their tune, if it’s your pleasure, please, we insist — keep on — persist.

Say what we tell you here are all lies, besides — it’s not true if you can’t see it with your own eyes…Isn’t that right?

What’s there to stop you?

However, you should know — this knowledge while a hard pill to swallow — just give it a while — it is one that can work in your favor — if you decide to do the labor.

Before we begin — take a seat —

The Oracle offers you a treat —

Here have a cookie.

Let’s start with you — and a smile,
This is quite the pile.

What Do They Want?

The Dark Ones, They Want —

What do they want?
To be like you —
Of Flesh and Bone
Of Fire and Water

What do they want?
To be like you —
Of Mind and Body
Of Earth and Air

What do they want?
To be like you —
Of Soul and Spirit
Of Love and Light

What do they want?
To be like you.
Alive, in the day,
Alive, in the night —

The Dark Ones

They have Nothing.

They are Cold,
They are Negative,
They are Your Companion In Your Darkness — Always

What do they want?

To stay in you,
To be with you — their Source,
To never, ever leave you.

Human, you are their Host, the Dark Ones, parasites — you are their food, you are their energy — they are dependent on your Life Force.

They live because of you, you do what you do and feel what you feel because of them.

“I’m out of control, I can’t help myself, I can’t stop myself, I don’t know how to stop, I can’t get myself out of this, I keep doing the same things, It’s like a record plays, my moods swing so much, I cannot control when the switch flips, I go from OK to sick, I have so many dark thoughts, or unable to control what’s happening, I take too many meds, I know they aren’t good for me, I know I should stay away from certain people, but I can’t help it, I can’t get away from this or that or them, I want to be better, to get healthy, to live a better life, where is my fire, my motivation?”

They control you, Neo — plugged in — being fed lies all of this time.

NOT YOU? Of course — not YOU.

Because, you’ve always healed on all levels and all layers of energy in your bodies and field, from all trauma emotional or physical or sexual all of your life — instantly. Negative energy never stuck, never called out to The Dark Ones.

Because, you’ve never been vulnerable to a Dark One Parasite.

Because, you’ve never been in great fear, especially as a child. No “PTSD” to any degree.

Because, you’ve never been used or abused or traumatized, exploited or victimized, because the door was never opened for any Dark One to get close ever, and if they did — you knew it hitched a ride and it was feeding off of you and you got rid of it.

Because, you’ve been healing all along right?

You’re not in pain over anything?

You don’t have fears or triggers, you don’t have anxiety or depression, you don’t have any addictions or bad habits, you don’t do or say things that are negative, you don’t perpetuate anything negative in your life you know you shouldn’t but you can’t seem to stop.

Sure, NOT YOU, of course — not you. Then who?

They feed you programs of fear, anger, distress, worry, anxiety, depression, they make and keep you sick, feeding on your misery — to your knees you’ll drop — they make you focus on chaos and choose to complain, instead of change, they pull you away from The Truth, feed you your addictions and send you don’t a river of worry, they are mean and cruel, they want fights with those you love, they are relentlessly hungry and never stop working on you — they push on your pains — physical and emotional. They create them.

They work in your sleep, and for this many avoid that space, or unable to stay there for long — not knowing why…Sometimes you remember, they take you to the darkest of places and suck on you while you’re trapped in nightmares, night terrors, lower densities — where The Dark Things live, and wait to mess with your mind while you’re as vulnerable as can be.

They attach to you like parasites, pulling form your energy centers/Chakras — always.

They will suck you dry. You’re just food.

You’re a battery that they pull from, they couldn’t care less about you, even if they’ve been with you since you were a baby, so close you don’t even know they are there.

If you try to detach, if you try to escape, you will feel them, they will not go quietly, they will not go easily — deny the reality of them and give them the power — they will send you to places as far as possible to keep you from learning The Truth.

They are there, and they are using you. You have been their host for a long, long time.

You’ve been told to cast aside any beliefs of things that cannot be seen with your two eyes, but can’t you see? How much you miss, when there’s so much you’ve been taught to dismiss?

With that view, we’ve been taught these limited perspectives, to cast doubt on the inner and the outer — been told we have no power.

Don’t you know — that is not real. Power is all that you are. What is real, are alternatives, turn it and bend it and make it all become reflective — The Truth, is pure and simple, be empowered or forever be devoured.


Infiniti is a Lightworker, Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Born Quantum Distance Healer, Psychic Advisor, Channel, Medium, Pet Psychic & Healer, Soul Guide, Spiritual Liaison & Ascension Coach. Once living constant pain, now she eliminates pain in others! Click here for all of Infiniti’s links.

Be guided today, and always Live In Love.

Visit the new spiritual publication:
THE DREAMING 963 : A New Place For Old Souls



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.