The Incredible Power of a Massive Email List

(How to Avoid Crashing Your Website)

Lukman Aufbau


Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

Did you know that you can send so much traffic to a site that you overwhelm the server.?

For larger lists (say lists above 10,000 subscribers), it can actually take several minutes before your email list server delivers all the emails.

But once the email starts going out, you’ll typically start to see the response within seconds.

And for really large lists (assuming you have over 100,000 subscribers, and there are far larger lists out there), you sometimes have to take extra precautions so that whatever website you are sending people to doesn’t crash.

For example, if you put up a new post on your blog, you have to be careful.

If you send too many visitors at the same time, it can crash the server.

What I will typically advise you to do is stagger your email broadcasts, so that you mail only a portion of the list every few minutes.

Now I don’t want to get too technical on you too early in this discussion, and I don’t want to intimidate you.

But... if you’re starting out in your list-building endeavors, you’re a long way from having to worry about crashing servers.



Lukman Aufbau

Investment & Consultancy Representative, Online Publishing and Platform COO | Author | CEO