The Inefficiency And Indifference of the Peace Corps

Anecdotes I wish I had heard before applying.

Kayla Vokolek


Photo by Ro.cio Ramirez on Unsplash.

Pros and Cons of the Peace Corps

There are many valid criticisms of the Peace Corps — white saviorism, American exceptionalism, and neocolonialism, as members of the grassroots group Decolonizing Peace Corps have noted.

Those are all are more harmful than its bureaucratic hassles, but it is also worth considering that it can be frustratingly callous to those willing to volunteer for two-plus years.

From what I have personally experienced and heard, I wouldn’t endorse applying if you have any history of health issues (physical or mental), even minor ones; think your citizenship might be questioned; practice a religion that might not be as tolerated elsewhere; or would have a lot to lose if the Peace Corps dropped you right before the departure date (e.g. if you plan on ending a lease on your place and would have nowhere to go if abruptly rejected).

The Peace Corps has facilitated countless humanitarian efforts, and many volunteers have had amazing, illuminating experiences. I’m happy for anyone who had the adventures and growth that I hoped to have as a Peace Corps Volunteer, and wanting fewer people to have negative experiences with the organization is why I…



Kayla Vokolek

Pursuing MFA in Nonfiction Writing at Portland State