The iPad Pro Doesn’t Need to Be a Laptop Replacement for All

Tablets and laptops are two different product categories and blending them together will only hurt Apple

Sithara Ariyarathna


Photo by Ernest Ojeh on Unsplash

The iPad Pros are here for a long time now. From their origin in 2015, they have evolved as a unique product category over the last 6 years. But the question of whether the “iPad Pros can replace your laptop?” came into the scene with the reveal of the third generation of the devices, in 2018.

When they introduced the 2018 version, it was out of proportion to similar products in its category. Its design was classy and modern, had a 120Hz display(even the second generation iPad Pros had this) which no other tablet in the market had by then. Heck, even phones rarely had any high refresh screens by then. And above all, its performance from the A12X bionic chip just made other top-end tablets look like toys. It was still an iPad, that works in the same old way but all that power inside it made people think about what it could be. From thereon iPad Pros never felt like or considered as tablets. They were a different product category with so much potential, that might actually make a legit case for a laptop replacement.

Apple made people imagine what it would like to be to use this thin and light slate as their main device…



Sithara Ariyarathna

An avid reader, a writer on technology, life style and productivity and a keen follower of cricket