The Jar of Life

A Story of Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water…

Chris Soschner


The Jar of Life A Story of Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water…
All images in the article are CANVA Pro Pictures

“I really would love to do what I love. It’s just; I do not have time for that yet. I have a job, family, and friends. But when I am 65, I will do XYZ. “

This is a narrative I hear very often from people I speak to as a coach or consultant. The thing is, life has a beginning and an end. And nobody knows when the end comes. Is it tomorrow or in 40 years?

We humans constantly complain about how little time we have. But is it really that way? Or do we focus on the wrong things during the time given to us on earth?

I once heard a very nice story. It is an analogy that describes this problem of decision making very well. I saw it in a philosophy book before the internet existed. Since the internet came to life, I have found many variations of this story. In the annex, you will find some links.

Here is the version I love the most. My version.

The Jar of Life A Story of Rocks, Pebbles, Sand, and Water…

There was once a professor who was teaching management at a university. He lectured about getting the priorities right in the business world and in life.



Chris Soschner

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