The Journey Into The Unknown Depths of Adulthood

Adeosun Abdulsamad
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2022
Photo by George Pak

Many people view growth from child to adult as instantaneous. This is never the case as adolescence is murky. The line between childhood and adulthood is blurred. There are many stages involved in the process. According to research, the brain does not fully develop until the age of 25. Neural pathways are still forming at ages before.

Children between the ages of 15 and 17 need to start planning for the transition to adulthood. It’s a journey that would take years. Some issues need to be addressed to reach your destination safely. I would recommend that parents read this with their transitioning kids. It is as much a journey for you as it is for them. Below are some questions that serious thought ought to be given to.

How healthy do you want to be?

“Health is wealth” as the saying goes. People rarely pay attention to their health until it’s too late. Nobody wants to be sick but most of the time, we fall ill with diseases that could have been prevented. Living unhealthily often causes dissatisfaction with one’s life.

Starting a plan now with a vision of leading a healthy life makes your life easier. Run away from things that are harmful to your health. You can even read a book or more to familiarize yourself with common diseases and their prevention. You can meet with a health professional for advice on the most harmful health issues affecting members of your age group.

What job do I envision myself doing in the future?

Photo by fauxels

The answer to this question should never be rushed and should only be considered after serious thought and planning. There are many right answers and wrong answers. There is a variety of jobs out there and the list keeps growing. Some vital factors should be considered before making such a decision. Such as

  • Am I good at this?
  • Do I ever think I will be good at this?
  • If I reach a really rough patch, will I be able to get back on my feet?
  • Will it be able to cover my budget?

These are only some of the factors to consider. Think deeply about whatever decision you make. I hope you succeed.

What attributes do I want to possess?

The attributes we learn at a young age are more likely to stick throughout our lives. Do you want to be selfish and rude? To some extent, our characteristics are born with us though there is always room for change.

What matters is moderation. There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance, carefulness and paranoia, and other examples I can’t think of presently. I am sure you get it at this point. Human beings keep on evolving but only you have the power to make that change in yourself.

How will I fund the life I want for myself?

I would like to guess that we all want to live great lives. They cost a lot of money. It is never too soon to start planning out your finances. It will save you from a lot of avoidable debt in the future.

Take part-time jobs, start a small business, read financial books e.t.c These would prepare you for the future and if you fail, you would have learned from your mistakes.

You can check my article on that.

After reviewing and answering these questions, the next step is determining if your grades in school can get you where you want to be.

Can the skills I have presently take me where I want to go?

Learning takes place in other forms apart from learning in the classroom. Getting the necessary skills to get the jobs you want in life is daunting but possible.

The world is becoming more digitally driven so it would make sense to follow a career path that can use that to your advantage.

There is a book that can help you free of charge, a transition guide made by experienced researchers. I have found it to help deal with my and my younger sibling’s transition into adulthood.


Time goes by so slowly when you’re a child, and then, as an adult, it goes by in the blink of an eye. –David Lowery

Being an adult is rarely easy and it might be scary thinking that you’re going to be one. There will be some rough patches but what will matter is how you deal with them. Good luck on your journey!!!

