The Key to Success Is Obsession — So How Do You Become Obsessed?

Anna Itzel Cazita
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2023


Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

I've become obsessed. I've never cared so much about writing and creating content in my life. Even if I've always enjoyed it, I have never treated it the way I do now.

It pops up in my head when I expect it the least and it sometimes keeps me awake at night. It makes me do things that other people don’t understand. Like, why would sit for 30 minutes and try to create the perfect headline?

Whenever my husband asks about my job he looks like a question mark. I tend to go into detail because I love what I do. My obsession might not rub off on everyone around me but at least they understand that I take it seriously.

So how did I get here and what can you learn from it?

Burn bridges

I’m not going to tell anyone to quit their job but that was what I did. It’s all about making a solid commitment and this was the only way for me to do that. The commitment has to be so strong that you feel like you don’t have any other choice.

The reason was that I had wanted to start a business for years up to that point. But I hadn’t managed to get my ass off the coach.

I’m quite lucky though since it came at a “good” time in my life. I have a toddler so I had to reduce my work hours anyway. So as…



Anna Itzel Cazita

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