The Kind of Email Newsletters Your Subscribers would Like to Read

Make them look forward to it if you want them to read it.

Madu Madoc


Photo by Sid Ramirez on Unsplash

How many email newsletters are you subscribed to? How many have you unsubscribed from? And why do you choose to continue to receive email newsletters from some content creators?

Chances are you’re receiving the values or the benefits you envisioned when you clicked ‘subscribe’ filled up the form, and submit.

Email newsletters remain the best way to connect with followers and build a rewarding relationship with them. A fulfilled follower will willingly spend on your product or services. He or she would be keen to share your content and speak to others about how insightful your contents are. Or how helpful your products and services are.

Your Subscribers are Smart, And Very Selective.

Subscribers understand the kind of newsletter they’d open and read. And they won’t bother to open yours if you’ve not been striving to keep them closer by writing newsletters that are intentional, focused, and rewarding.

After welcoming a subscriber to your email newsletters subscription program, the next thing is to ensure that a long term relationship would be built. And that the unsubscribe’ form…

